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31 Oct 2013

Allotments in Zurich

This blog was started to keep track of the progress we hope to make with our new allotment in Zurich, Switzerland. We both grew up with gardens but have little experience of growing vegetables or maintaining an plot. Allotments or ‘Schrebergaerten’ are really prolific in Switzerland and Zurich alone has over 5000, many of which are within the city centre.

A Swiss friend and colleague prompted me to consider getting an allotment and one day after work showed me hers, a ten minute tram ride to a peaceful area overlooking the city. The abundance of herbs, fresh tomatoes and wild flowers was enough to convince me. There is a (urban) myth in Zurich that if you want to rent property or a garden or anything like that, you have to go on a waiting list for years. After filling in a form, a quick telephone call and trip up the hill, we were shown a choice of four gardens. Number 102 it was…

Unknown / Author & Editor

A blog about running an allotment as a novice gardener in Zurich, Switzerland (with the help of my twin toddlers).


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