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11 Jan 2015

Panorama-Weg - The Allotment Jungle

One of the best things about having the allotment is getting the chance to be so close to nature only 10 minutes from the city. Panorama-Weg is a walk way above the city which is lined by hundreds of allotments. Here are a few pictures of the surrounding area and some of the typical allotments round about. Ours is in amongst this lot. 

6 Jan 2015

Baby Bird Quilt

As soon as I found out I was pregnant with twins, I envisaged my maternity leave to be a time of fastidious quilt making. In reality, most of it was spent working (the first 6 months) then being so tired and huge that I was in bed for the last few months of pregnancy. 

This quilt was given as a gift to my friend who had a baby last November. What should have taken a few weeks, took me about 6 months! The main fabrics had a bird theme:

Enchant by Natalie Lymer for Riley Blake
1000 Cranes in Cerulean by Rashida Coleman-Hale for Cloud9 Fabrics

5 Jan 2015

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