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28 Jul 2014

Coolbrandz - Switzerland

Coolbrandz is a company that arranges word of mouth campaigns for brands entering the Swiss market. I have been product testing for them for a while now and really have to applaud how they work. They run campaigns in English, German, French and Italian, essentially reaching a huge target market for the brands that choose to work with them. In exchange for receiving the products to test, coolbranders are expected to share their experience via social media, blog posts and word of mouth.

22 Jul 2014

Scandinavian Inspired Wedding Quilt

I made this quilt for my Polish friend Monika who got married earlier this year. It took a while but I was happy with how it looked in the end! Fabric from one of my favourite online shops (who do deliver to Switzerland), Fabric Rehab

Piccolo Vegs for Pots

Piccolo Vegs for Pots is a small Italian seed company near Venice that sells seeds specifically cultivated for container gardening. The seeds come in beautiful, simple packaging and a wide range of unusual varieties. I bought a load of them and often include  as a little gift when sending greetings cards to friends.

We have had our first success with BACIO DI SATANA chilli peppers (Satan's kiss).

Hot pepper variety from italian region Abruzzo, where is also called Ciliegia piccante. Small, rounded fruits, not very hot, become sweeter when cooked. Used as pickling pepper, filled with tuna and anchovies.

French Beans and Cornichons started well but came to a sorry end when we went away for 3 weeks and couldn't water them. Ah!

 Find out more and buy here:

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